HMR - Holographic Memory Resolution

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Nancy Lindgren is trained and certified in Holographic Memory Resolution

Why I use Holographic Memory Resolution (HMR) with my clients

HMR is one of the most powerful tools I’ve found to release stress and trauma deeply held in the body-mind. Oftentimes, chronic pain and trauma triggers are released once and for all, leaving my clients with a deep sense of peace and freedom.

I love using this modality because it is a client-led experience with me as your guide.

What is HMR and how does it work?

HMR enables people who have experienced trauma to heal without analyzing or reliving past trauma and without becoming re-traumatized by painful feelings.

When using this approach, I’m able to help the client release trauma and the emotional and physical pain it can hold, resulting in deep healing.

“Nancy’s skillful knowledge and insightful questions have taken me deeply into the unknown territories of the pain and trauma held deeply within. Being able to release the pain and trauma from such deep levels has helped me experience a freedom like no other.”

R.H. St. Paul MN

I recommend HMR for –

  • Past trauma
  • Chronic Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • AddictionPTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Feelings of fear, powerlessness, and anger

More about Holographic Memory Resolution

  • HMR emphasizes the mind-body connection
  • Side effects of unresolved trauma impact a person’s mental and emotional state as well as physical processes.
  • It is a brief method of therapy shown to have long-lasting results.
  • It can help people access traumatic memories where other treatment methods have been unsuccessful.
  • It has an empowering effect.
  • It may be a good alternative for those who do not wish to pursue visualization or hypnosis.

For in-depth information, go to the founder of HMR and my teacher Brent Baum, go to:

Parkview Building
348 Prior Ave North
St. Paul, MN 55105
© Nancy Lindgren